This tuesday we have been working on some other approaches to our cargo bike. In the foggy haze of millimeter measurements, multiple sketches and various ways of construction solutions we decided that it couldn't harm to try of alternative solutions.
Here is some samples:
Based on the N55 XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES building system - |
Based on the N55 XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES building system - |
So why not take advantage of the old and proven design of a regular bike frame and then mix it with our design of the cargo space. This would make it a lot easier to build in the rear wheel, seat post and handlebar. Making a strong connection between the two very different parts seemed like a fun challenge. And it is still without any welding!
Based on the N55 XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES building system - |
Based on the N55 XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES building system - |